
Saturday, 3 November 2012

World's simplest " water level controller with high/low voltage cut off "

  World's simplest " Automatic water level controller with high/low voltage cut off "( Tested OK)

  This circuit  has  only  few cheap components and  very easy to assemble.  This circuit is a modified version of my previous post for  water level controller.Circuit can perform  4 operations  as below

1)  automatic switch on  water pump when water level  comes low in overhead tank
2) automatic switch off  the pump  when  tank get full
3) Low voltage cut off protection for pump to a set voltage, say below 160 V 
4) High voltage cut off protection  for  pump to a set voltage ,say  above 250V
                                             click circuit to enlarge
These all operations can be performed with this simple circuit. BC 547  will be  always in ON condition, till the water level comes down to lower level. switching ON the 547, keeps  187 off condition. when water level lowers, 547 loses its base voltage  and get off, results in switching ON   187 and relay connected to 187.Pump will switch off only when water rises to touch the tank upper probes.

If the voltage  become  low, while pump ON condition,187 loses its base  voltage through zener and relay get cut off.

If the voltage become high,zener connected  to  547  deliver  base voltage  to 547 . This condition switch ON  547 and ground the base of 187,resuting relay cut off.

Adjust the presets for the required cut off voltages. Relay contact Ampere rating is given as" x"  in circuit because you have to choose  a relay with  contact ampere according to the pump HP.Only 3 wires are needed to overhead tank